Application Servers
Server is a computer or combination of computers which is connected through a internet or intranet and serves the the client request. The server provides a specific kind of facility such as a database server can provides the facility related to the database only, a mail server server provide facility related to e-mails. A Server always waits for the client request, it gets the request and generates a response according to the client. The server application may be installed on local host or it may be on some remote computer.In web application development we need a web server for hosting a the web application. There a list of good web servers present today some of them are Apache web server - the HTTP web server, Apache Tomcat, Microsoft's Internet, Information Services (IIS) Windows Server, Nginx web server, lighttpd, Jigsaw, Klone, Abyss web server, Oracle Web Tier, X5 (Xitami) web server, Zeus web server. WAMP, LAMP, ZAMP ect.
Some of the given above are free and used for the specific web technologies, such as Tomcat is used for Java, IIS is used for .NET framework and LAMP is used for the PHP.
Application Servers Tutorials:
Each individual web server on the network have unique IP address and that is used for identifying the server on the network. Each request comes to the server uses a stander protocol such as FPT( File Transfer Protocol), HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol ), SMTP (Simple mail Transfer Protocol). The most of the request comes on server are HTTP.
- Application Servers for Java
Here we have collected the list of all the application servers available for running java based applications. In this application servers for java list we have tried to include all the application servers available in the market.
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