Saturday, 20 August 2011

Server Side Coding

Server Side Coding, on the other hand is the script that does not visually seen on the clients? terminal but it supports the whole program and software.

Server Side Coding

Server Side Coding, on the other hand is the script that does not visually seen on the clients’ terminal but it supports the whole program and software. It is stored on the server and there is a need of software support on the server. If there is no software installed on the server, the server-side script cannot run and it will also not support the client-side script. Server-side coding is known as back-end script which is written in many languages that include ASP, ColdFusion, CGI and/or Perl, C Server Scripts, Java, Lotus Domino, PHP, Python, Django, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Smalltalk Seaside, AIDA/Web, SSJS Server-Side JavaScript, Websphere, .NET and many more.

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