Saturday, 27 August 2011

MySQL Creating account and changing password

This MySQL provide the new creating account or you want to change the password then make new user. This lesson you learn how to create new password. Mysql as the intended username and the group the next available the UID, the user alternative e-mail add

MySQL Creating account and changing password

This MySQL provide the new creating account or  you want to change the password then make new user .This lesson you learn how to create new password.  Mysql as the intended username and the group the next available the UID, the user alternative e-mail address etc. The user need to require to a group that does not exit yet, then first create the group with editing /etc/group manually.  MySQL create new user account use the login "data" and use the adduser command . And you can choose the password "admin" for this user account .
Creating a new user Account 

root@data:~# adduser
Enter username [a-z0-9_-]: USERNAME
Enter full name []: FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
Enter shell bash csh ksh nologin sh []: bash
Uid []: UID
Login group groupname []: GROUPNAME
Login group is "GROUPNAME".
Invite username into other groups: guest no []: no
Enter password []: admin
Enter password again []: admin
Name: username
Password: xxxx
Fullname: firstname lastname
Uid: UID
Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
OK? (y/n) []: y
root@data:~# ~/bin/ USERNAME
Enter user's email address: EMAIL-ADDRESS
Is it correct? (y/n) y
MySQL is also provide this code for if you want to create new account to login name database and connected the MySQL root. Here code is follow:- 

root@database:~# /opt/sfw/bin/mysql -p
Enter password: ROOT-PASSWORD
mysql> use mysql
mysql> insert into user (host,username,password) values ("%","USERNAME",password("PASSWORD"));

MySQL Deleting  User Account The MySQL User account you want to delete then enter the completely it is not recommended that you do. if you can change the  password to same random to be string . the better way is to change the login shell . It is done by logging in data and using  the vipw command to enter the password file to run make the /var/yp /directory after you make.

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