You can take two routes to improving your skills: enroll in a course (for certification or just for the learning) or teach yourself (and of course, practice by writing code). Besides tapping the knowledge of experienced developers, the coursework or certification path can offer tangible evidence to prospective employers that you have the skills to build the technology they need. And by experimenting on your own and using available resources, you sharpen your skills in various areas of Java technology. The following resources should help either endeavor:
Tutorials and articles
- developerWorks offers a world of hands-on Java tutorials — the next-best learning experience to writing the code yourself. For a comprehensive introduction to the Java language, head directly to "Introduction to Java programming, Part 1: Java language basics" and "Introduction to Java programming, Part 2: Constructs for real-world applications."
- "Speaking the Java language without an accent" will help you program fluently when you adopt the Java language.
- Check out the 5 things you didn't know about ... series to fine-tune your Java knowledge as you master the fundamentals.
- Translating design theory into practical application(s) is the focus of the Java theory and practice series. The "Testing with leverage" and "Kill bugs dead" articles in this series, for example, offer essential guidance on designing applications with integrated testing and bug detection.
- The Taming Tiger series is an excellent reference for sharpening your Java programming claws.
Books, websites, and events
- No better place to start than with "Essential Java resources," a comprehensive listing of must-have books, sites, blogs, events, and more.
- Check out the Java technology zone's Events page to find conferences, seminars, workshops, and webcasts relevant to Java developers.
- Robocode is an easy-to-use robotics battle simulator built on Java technology that teaches you to program while providing hours of pure entertainment. For an introduction to Robocode, read "Rock 'em, sock 'em Robocode!" and check out "Secrets from the Robocode masters: A collection of hints, tips, and advice from the Robocode masters."
- CodeRuler, CodeRally, and CodeInvaders Challenge are Java-based, real-time programming games based on the Eclipse platform.
IBM technical training
- Choose among a wide variety of online, classroom, and multimedia-based Java courses offered by IBM Global Services.
Certification training
- IBM offers professional certification in such related technologies as WebSphere® development (for enterprise Java applications), IBM Rational® software, DB2®, XML, and SOA.
- For an even more interactive approach to learning how to use the Java language, dive into the Java discussion forums, moderated by noted experts with years of real-world experience in crafting Java-related technology.
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