Adobe Flex 4
Flex 4 is the next generation technology for Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). It is proving as a magical tool for web developers as with the inception of Flash technology, the web development has reached to a new paradigm. As it is known that Adobe Flex uses Adobe Flash platform for running its applications, so in this perspective, the importance of Flex 4 increases because it offers the latest features of Flex.Flex 4 with its added extraordinary features can revolutionize the web development technology by providing high-end features in the next generation web applications. Nowadays the trend of using RIA is increased several times and most web browsers and latest mobile devices are being made to be compatible to run the latest versions of Adobe Flash player.
In the latest version of Flex, states can be separated from visual and can be created in Thermo as well as Adobe suite CS4 tools that enables the developers to take advantage of the components built on Flash XML Graphics (FXG) ? a new file format built on new MXML language namespace with backward-compatibility with the older namespace ? and working directly with Flash player version 10. This is the major advantage that can change the Flex development cycle paradigm.
So, it is essential for the web developers to have adequate knowledge of Flex 4 to counter the latest demands of the clients. In this tutorial, we are covering the comprehensive course of Flex 4 from Introduction to Flex 4 to creating the SocialStalkr project.
You will also learn how to install Flex builder 4 software used for creating Flex 4 application and how to create powerful Rich Internet Applications using Flex 4 in our tutorials. We will also provide you the fundamental knowledge of Flex Builder 4 software and depth knowledge of developing applications using the Flex XML-like scripting language, MXML, and ActionScript 3.0.
Moreover we will also provide you the information about how to build applications using layout and navigation containers, and how to use states and transitions to maximize the ability of application to respond to a large number of scenarios.
We have covered a wide range of syllabus including bringing data from various sources into your Flex application, the procedure of using XML, PHP, and Adobe's powerful Live Cycle Data Services for powerful interactions with Java environments, ActionScript 3, XML, E4X; Hello Spark, Spark Containers, views states, effects and styling, Halo Flex4; building user-friendly forms using Flex formatters and validators; and Cairngorm?s action for creating SocialStalkr like Twitter and Yahoo! Maps etc.
All our tutorials will full of practically proven codes that will help you further in developing complex programs and flex based applications.
Flex 4 getting started, Getting Started with Flex 4
Prior to begin working in Flex 4, you must have some prerequisite knowledge of basic programming
Flex 4 Features
Learn new features of Flex 4.
Flex Variables
A variable is a reference to the value associated with it. Variables are used to store values for the application.
Flex Variable Scope
Scope of the variable defines the accessibility of the variable across the application.
Flex Data Types
The data type of the variable defines the type of the value this variable can have.
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